Digital Image Processing

Digital image processing is the use of digital computers to process digital images through algorithms. Since the image is defined in two dimensions (perhaps more), digital image processing can be modelled in the form of a multidimensional system.
Digital X-ray images are routinely processed to enhance diagnostic information and suppress irrelevant details, and extract quantitative information. Discussed and defined the basic concepts and terminology of image processing applied to X-ray projection radiography. The application of signal processing technology in the image field: two-dimensional signals, such as photos or videos. This also means "using computers to analyse and process images."
Two types of digital imaging systems are used: Computer Radiography (CR) and Direct Radiography (DR).
Advantages of Digital Radiography:
Faster Processing Time. With traditional x-rays, it took some time to get the images ready.
Better Image Quality.
Demands Less Resources.
Allows for Higher Quality Care.
Relatively Easy to Use.
Quick Image Sharing.
Steps of digital processing imaging:
Image Acquisition. (Image acquisition is the first step of the fundamental steps of DIP).
Image Enhancement.
Image Restoration.
Color Image Processing.
Wavelets and Multi-Resolution Processing.
Compression & Morphological Processing.
However, image processing is more precisely defined as a means of conversion between the human visual system and digital imaging equipment. Image processing should be done scientifically so that others can copy and verify their own results.