Matrix Metalloproteinase as Indicator of Dreadful Swelling Activity in the Pulmonary Tuberculosis

The main factors of pathogenesis in the pulmonary tuberculosis aren't only the bacterial acridity and perceptivity of the host vulnerable system to the pathogen, but also the degree of destruction of the lung towel. similar destruction processes lead to the development of grottoes , in utmost cases taking surgical interventions besides the medicine remedy. Identification of special biochemical labels allowing to assess the necessity of surgery or remedy extension remains a challenge. We consider promising labels metalloproteinases assaying the data attained from cases with pulmonary tuberculosis infected by different strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We argue that the presence of medicine- resistant strains in lungs leading to complicated clinical prognostic could be justified not only by the difference in middles of biomarkers attention (as determined by the Mann - Whitney test for small samples), but also by the qualitative difference in their probability distributions (as detected by the Kolmogorov - Smirnov test). Our results and the handed raw data could be used for farther development of precise biochemical data- grounded individual and prognostic tools for pulmonary tuberculosis.